Do you choose a word for the year? I have embraced this trend for the past several years, finding it a helpful way to make a fresh start with purpose and intention. However, I have decided to skip choosing a yearly word this year for several reasons. Whether this is something you are interested in considering with me or not, I hope to give you some critical insights on navigating the new year with power and purpose…while not choosing a yearly word!
Over ten years ago, I first heard about choosing a word for the year. Since I had grown weary of setting New Year’s resolutions that barely made it to Valentine’s Day, choosing one word to guide and keep me focused seemed worthy of adopting.
As a writer, words mean something to me. They mean a lot to me. I love both the written and spoken word. I am a voracious reader. Journaling and writing are part of my daily routine. And I try to use God’s Word as a foundation for my life.
So, choosing a yearly word after praying, reading, meditating, and reflecting became an inspirational and aspirational practice for me.
I used and pursued these yearly words to set goals, remind me of God’s plans, and hold onto hope in light of challenging circumstances. I viewed things through the lens of my chosen word for both reassurance and motivation.
Some of my past words included:
- Release
- Hope
- Unclutter
- Restore
- Overcomer
I am here to tell you that choosing a yearly word can be worthwhile, enabling you to make decisions, keep your eyes focused on your goals, and motivate you to continue through challenging times.
So, why have I decided to skip picking a word for this year?
It is not that I have not had certain words floating in and out of my mind the past few months because I have.
If I look back over my journal, my notes from conferences and retreats, the notecards stuck in my Bible, or even post-its scattered throughout my office, a plethora of words have caught my attention.
Words like grace, abundance, curiosity, breakthrough, and calling.
I could easily choose one (or more!) of these words for this coming year. And I know they would serve me as well as other words have.
But I’m choosing not to…
- Do I lack inspiration and motivation? Possibly.
- Am I fearful of choosing incorrectly? Maybe.
- Do I feel that one word constricts and binds? Sometimes.
- Am I eager to explore something different? Probably.
- Do I sense that God is leading me to let go and trust His words? Absolutely.
Yes, choosing a yearly word has become somewhat of a control thing for me.
Although I want to believe that I have prayed and sought God’s wisdom on my word for the year, the reality is that I have much more say and input into what I choose and how I think it will shape my outcomes and goals for the year.
And there is a danger in wanting to determine my destiny and force results to suit my desires.
Sometimes, choosing a yearly word has made me so myopic that I have missed other words God wants to speak into my life.
And so I began to explore what it would look like to give up my yearly word and trust God to provide purpose, meaning, and direction through His Word.
While choosing a yearly word can allow us to focus on our goals with meaning and intention, I want you to consider that seeking purpose does not have to be confined to a single concept. Nor does selecting a word for the year guarantee that you will fulfill your goals and dreams.
Sometimes, the pressure to encapsulate our entire year within a single word adds undue stress and worry, causing us to manipulate outcomes, doubt our journey, or give up entirely.
As we all know, a lot can change in 365 days:
- Babies arrive. Young children experience growing pains. Adult children leave the nest.
- Parents age and need more time and care.
- Jobs change. Careers begin and end. Financial situations shift.
- People get sick and must make significant lifestyle changes.
- Relationships grow stronger or weaker.
Since we cannot predict the future, hanging on to our “one word” when unexpected circumstances arise, relationships need our attention, or doors of opportunity open may keep us from recognizing God’s actual purposes and plans.
There is freedom in allowing God to direct our steps, listening to that still, small voice that whispers, “This is the way; walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)
As we trust God to lead the way, we learn that finding purpose is a continuous process that may not neatly fit into the confines of a yearly theme. We can allow ourselves the freedom to adapt, change, and discover meaning in unexpected places as we broaden our view.
Instead of being laser-focused and stressed about choosing my one word for this year, I want to take a different approach. An approach that still involves words (because you know I love them!) but in a more expansive, all-encompassing, supernatural, and spiritual way.
I know it is a slight play on words 😉…but I am referring to THE WORD.
Also known as the Bible, God’s Word, or the Scriptures (among several other names.)
And if you are wondering how important words are to God, think about this:
- In Genesis, God uses words to speak the world and everything in it (all living creatures, including humans) into existence.
- When Moses asks what God’s name is in Exodus, God replies with these powerful words: “I AM WHO I AM.”
- And in the gospel of John, Jesus is described as “the Word made flesh.”
My goal is to immerse myself in The Word. Reading it, digesting it, memorizing it, reflecting on it, and hiding it in my heart, soul, and mind.
Will God illuminate certain words as I do this? I sure hope so!
But I do not want to fixate on finding that “yearly word,” recognizing that there may be several words, passages, verses, themes, or topics God wants me to discover as the year unfolds. Why should I limit myself to just one?
The Bible says that God’s words are mighty and accomplish what no other words can. And that is good enough for me!
So, I created an acrostic to help me remember what God’s Word promises and provides. I hope it encourages you to go to the Bible to be filled with the words of life, hope, and truth as you begin this new year.

Instead of being concerned that not choosing a yearly word will rob us of purpose and meaning, let us consider that it is through God’s words that He works His plans and accomplishes His purposes. Isn’t that a comforting thought? That the words of God will do what He intends them to do? This promise reassures me that His words are far more powerful than mine and have the power to bring about amazing things in my life.
So will the words that come out of my mouth
Isaiah 55:11 (MSG)
not come back empty-handed.
They’ll do the work I sent them to do,
they’ll complete the assignment I gave them.”
Although the verses below may be familiar to many of us, how many truly believe that God’s Word illuminates our journey? Do we trust God to lead the way when we peer into the deep, dark void of a new year, not knowing what lies ahead? Or are we relying on a chosen word as our guide? The Bible promises that the words found in it will give us daily guidance and direction. Let’s embrace that truth by reading our Bibles often.
Your word is a lamp to my feet
Psalm 119:105 (ESV)
and a light to my path.”
The unfolding of your words gives light;
Psalm 119:130 (ESV)
it imparts understanding to the simple.
In a culture where so many believe that truth is relative, it may be difficult to discern fact from fiction. But God’s Word is true and eternal…every single word of it. It does not change, shift, or compromise. It is a firm foundation on which we can build our lives. If we have doubts and questions, we can find assurance and security in the words of God.
Every word of God proves true;
Proverbs 30:5 (ESV)
he is a shield to those who take refuge in him.”
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”
Matthew 24:35 (ESV)
One of the most challenging aspects of setting goals and intentions for the new year is the willpower and discipline it takes to achieve those outcomes. We have all experienced the discouragement of not being able to finish what we start, change what we don’t like, or address our lack of motivation. When we read and take in God’s Word, it becomes tool to give us the strength and power we need to understand ourselves, follow where God leads, and overcome obstacles.
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”
Hebrews 4:12 (NLT)
I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing… If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”
John 13:5,7 (ESV)
Remember, pursuing God’s purpose and plan for you this year is a personal and unique journey guided by your willingness to absorb God’s Word and lean into the Holy Spirit.
Whether you choose a yearly word or not, the key lies in listening to God’s voice and following the path He has for you. And He may do that with one word…or many!
AT THE CROSSROADS wants to offer you a room and space to connect your faith and life in powerful, purposeful, and practical ways. And we use many words to do this, so please consider joining me on the journey. Sign up by filling out the form below, and you will receive weekly blog posts, monthly newsletters, free faith resources, and more!
If this post spoke to you in any way or if you know someone who would be encouraged by reading it, could you leave a comment, share it on social media, or even let a friend know? I pray that you allow God’s Word to give you a sense of purpose that transcends the boundaries of any single word.
I have really been struggling to choose a word for the year…and you listed all the reasons why! 🙂 I think you might have something here! I am going to post your WORD acrostic and work on it this year. Thank you.
So glad you can relate, Leesa! I will be praying that you hear the words God has for you as you seek wisdom and guidance in His Word!
Excellent “Word”
Thank you!
Thank you Carla for your reasoning in not choosing ” a word” for 2024 and instead choosing The Word or God’s Word in leading you throughout the year. May you and your family be abundantly blessed!
Barb Hughey
Thank you, Barb! I pray God’s very best for you this year as you let His words guide and strengthen you.
Great insight and inspiration for 2024! Thank you Carla!
I appreciate your kind words! Thankful this post encouraged you. Blessings on the new year!
Carla I love this! These are wonderful words (!) to start the year. I love that it points us to the author and perfecter of our faith. His Word is eternal. Happy New Year!
Thank you, Abbey! So thankful that my take on a “wordless year” encouraged you! I hope that God reveals Himself to you through His Word!
I love that you are not afraid of change and open to God’s leading in your life. May we all do the same and dive into God’s WORD!