Are you trying to choose between a daily devotional and an in-depth Bible study? Both have their purposes in providing spiritual guidance and growth, so it can make choosing difficult. But what if you could combine the two? A devotional Bible study is a hybrid of a devotional and a Bible study and offers the benefits of both.
The term devotional may or may not be familiar to you. Although devotionals can come in a variety of forms, the purpose is the same: to encourage spiritual growth.
Many devotional books have daily readings, beginning with a scripture verse or passage followed by a short reflection or commentary. Some may end with a prayer or questions for reflection. Other devotionals contain a list of Bible readings for a set period of time (days/month/year) that focus on a theme such as gratitude, faith, or prayer. Personally, I have also used nonfiction books on spiritual growth as devotionals. Also, devotionals can be for individuals, groups, or families.
The term devotional contains the root word, devoted. You can think of a devotional as a way of staying devoted and committed to pursuing a deeper relationship with God.
- Develops Daily Consistency
Maintaining consistency in any relationship can be difficult, but it seems to be particularly challenging when making time to connect with God regularly. Devotionals are useful tools to help us do this, especially the ones that provide daily readings or weekly/monthly plans.
- Provides Spiritual Focus
Many tools help us develop healthy habits, use our time wisely, or organize our lives. Still, devotionals have the unique purpose of promoting spiritual growth by helping us focus on our souls. By pointing us to the truth found in God’s Word, a devotional gives us time and space to focus on eternal things that will provide us with peace and purpose.
- Allows for Practical Application
Because most devotionals offer a reflection or commentary on scripture, they also give us opportunities to apply biblical truths to our life and experiences. Devotionals help us listen for God’s voice and figure out what He may be saying to us within the context of our circumstances and season of life. In this way, devotionals address the heart of how we are to live out our relationship with God.
While all of these reasons (plus many more!) explain the benefits of using devotionals, I feel I need to also caution you on the limitations of only reading devotionals for spiritual growth.
Although devotional reading may seem more appealing and accessible than in-depth Bible study, we miss out on a lot of what God has to say if we never actually study the Bible for ourselves. We can fail to see the totality of God’s plan or misinterpret scripture when we do not take the time to view the Bible in context.
We have all experienced being misunderstood when someone twists our words or removes them from their original context. Unfortunately (and often unintentionally), the same thing can happen with the Bible. That is why, in addition to reading other people’s reflections and commentaries, we have to take ownership of reading God’s Word for ourselves and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak directly to us.
Additionally, if we only read the Bible devotionally, it can lead us to view it as one giant self-help manual, only there to meet our needs and address our concerns. Instead, the Bible is a book written for every human being and speaks of a much larger story that God is writing in which we only play a small part. While God can and does speak to us individually through his Word, it is full of good news (the gospel!) meant to be shared with all people.
At its most basic level, Bible study is simply that–a study of the Bible. This can be done in two basic ways. One involves a classroom or group setting where you use a workbook or curriculum focusing on a particular book of the Bible or a specific theme or topic such as forgiveness, grace, or salvation. The second way involves simply studying the Bible on your own by reading it, taking notes or journaling, or seeking additional resources. You can approach studying the Bible from a historical, geographical, or cultural perspective. And your study may also include character studies, word studies, or topical studies.
Digging deep into God’s Word takes time, skill, and practice. It is an intellectual discipline that requires focus and dedication. If the Bible is God’s love letter to us, the purpose of studying the Bible for ourselves is to know what God is saying and to understand what He means.
- Develops patience and discipline
Systematically and analytically, taking the time to study the Bible requires time and effort. But like any healthy discipline, the benefits are lifelong. When you first start studying the Bible on your own, it may seem awkward, or you may even feel like you are not getting much out of it, but if you persist, God will reveal himself to you through His Word.
- Provides context & understanding
Have you ever heard someone quote something from the Bible, and you find yourself questioning if it is really true or meant to be interpreted that way? Context is everything!! And when anyone takes scripture out of context, it is so easy to misunderstand its meaning.
For example, you may have heard the phrase: God will never give you more than you can handle. Do you know where that comes from? Well, it is actually a spin on the verse from 1 Corinthians 10:13 (ESV) where Paul writes: “No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” When you read the entire verse in context, the meaning changes, doesn’t it? That is why we must study Bible verses, passages, and stories within their proper context.
- Builds biblical literacy & strengthens faith
As we pursue reading and studying the Bible, we will begin to see God’s redemption story from Genesis to Revelation and recognize how the Old and New testaments connect as we build biblical literacy and faith. We will learn that scripture always supports scripture and that God does not contradict himself.
But focusing exclusively on Bible study can also have its drawbacks. We can approach studying the Bible as solely an intellectual pursuit and focus on the details without allowing the message to touch our souls and hearts.
We can also gain a lot of head knowledge about the Bible, but if we only study the Bible academically, we will not really come to know God very well. We might know a lot about him, but we will not have a personal relationship with him. It would be comparable to knowing all the facts, history, and accomplishments of your favorite athlete or movie star without actually meeting them or having a genuine relationship.
If you want to change your life and live with purpose and meaning, studying the Bible alone will not accomplish this. Unlike any other book, the Bible is not intended to be just read and studied. The writer of Hebrews describes the Word of God as “living and active” able to penetrate” soul and spirit” and “the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12). No one really cares how much you know about the Bible. However, it will mean so much more to them if your reading of the Bible causes you to treat them with kindness, compassion, and empathy. Head knowledge without heart attitude does not go very far.
After learning about the definitions, benefits, and limitations of devotionals vs. Bible studies, do you feel better equipped to choose the one that is right for you?
We may lean toward one or the other depending on our personalities, spiritual journeys, or seasons of life.
The busy mom who has precious little time to herself may be drawn to a daily devotional that provides bite-sized sustenance and encouragement, while the empty nester may be at the stage in life where she finally has the time and space to dig into an inductive Bible study. Neither is right or wrong, and both have their advantages and drawbacks.
So, how do you decide? Is it an either/or proposition, or is there a way to incorporate both into your spiritual growth?
Recently, I came across a thought-provoking article entitled, “Stop Doing Devotions OR Studying the Bible,” that directly addressed this very issue of choosing a devotional vs. a Bible study.
Intrigued? So was I.
Therefore, I believe the common division between devotional and intellectual reading of the Bible is unhelpful at best and harmful at worst. It lets the devotional readers off the hook of doing the hard work of studying the text and lets the intellectual readers off the hook of doing the hard work of living out what the Bible says. Each way does not do justice to the Bible as the very Word of God. As the Word of God, it demands full and rigorous study. It is not possible to understand it too well; and if we think that we have ever plumed the depths of its meaning we are only deceiving ourselves. As the Word of God it demands our complete and exact obedience. It reveals God’s standard to which we must conform our lives; and if we think we it does not require any change in us we are only deceiving ourselves.
We should not do devotions or study the Bible, we should do devotions and study the Bible – at the same time.
Taylor Drummond, “Stop Doing Daily Devotions OR Studying the Bible,”
Let me highlight that last quote because it is so powerful:
“We should not do devotions OR study the Bible, we should do devotions AND study the Bible.” ~ Taylor Drummond
What a concept! By simply changing one conjunction from OR to AND we can reap the benefits of both daily devotionals and in-depth Bible studies.
And I believe that some of us do this already. We may use a daily devotional to start our morning quiet time with personal reflection and prayer while also taking part in a class that challenges us to dig deep into studying the Bible with weekly homework. I know that this has been part of my personal faith journey for years.
But what if there was a book that combined both? A devotional Bible study that encourages the inductive study of the scriptures and the practical application of concepts, combining intellectual and spiritual pursuits? Engaging the mind as well as touching the heart and soul?
This is just a little of the back story of how and why I wrote my first devotional Bible study, The Beauty of an Uncluttered Soul.* I sought to find a way to incorporate all the benefits of both a devotional and a Bible study. I also wanted the book to be beautiful (almost every page includes original artwork by Vivian Kammel) to allow you time and space to spend quiet time with God while slowing down and reflecting on beauty.
While I am sure there are many other books out there that combine the benefits of a devotional and a Bible study, I can confidently recommend this one because I specifically wrote it to allow you to dig deep into God’s Word and apply these concepts to your daily life. I hope you will consider checking it out for yourself!
For more practical resources on connecting with God and growing spiritually, please check out my FREE FAITH PRINTABLES page to find other guides on prayer, soul care, and spiritual breakthroughs.
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*I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website.
I am really looking forward to starting my journey into my first devotional and bible study with your book! Honestly, this will be my first for both.
I am so honored that you chose my book to do this, Sarah! Please let me know how it and if I can answer any questions for you. I will be praying that you will grow spiritually and deepen your faith!