This morning I am my finding myself low…knees on the ground…attempting a posture of humility.
Last week while reading in the book of James, a verse I have read many times before, struck me in a new and powerful way:
“Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.”
When people usually think about being humble they think of groveling before others or stating that they are no good and everyone else better. The Bible talks about a humility that asks us to consider others before ourselves and to regard their needs:
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.”
Philippians 2:3
But this kind of humility does not require us make ourselves “less than” or to lower ourselves before other people. James tells us to humble ourselves before the Lord. In his commentary on these verses, Grant Richison offers this helpful explanation:
“We make ourselves low when we see the greatness and majesty of God. Humility is primarily vertical towards God, not horizontally towards others.”
So as I began to ponder and pray about this, God helped me see three key points about this vertical humility:
The word “humble” as used in the Bible means to make or bring low. It is recognizing who we are in light of who God is. For me, this often involves adopting the proper posture by getting on my knees (literally!). It does not mean that God wants to bring me low to humiliate me or let me know how inferior I am, but to show me how great, majestic, holy, and all-powerful He is. I always seem to see and sense this better on my knees.
The lyrics from Hillsong UNITED’s song “Touch the Sky” speak to me strongly in these moments of surrender:
My heart beating, my soul breathing
I found my life when I laid it down
Upward falling, spirit soaring
I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground
When we adopt this posture of humility, it changes our perspective. As we realize that everything we have is because of God’s grace, we can reach new spiritual heights. That is one of the promises found in James 4:10. If we humble ourselves before Him, God will lift us up. This “lifting” is not to bring us above anyone else, but rather to draw us nearer to Him. Humility brings us closer to God. Here is a profound truth:
The way down is the way up spiritually.
As I begin to work on being humble before the Lord, I understand my place in this world so much better. Horizontal humility comes naturally because I now see that I am not better than anyone, nor am I less valuable than anyone. Rather, we are on the same journey, walking alongside of each other. This understanding frees me to help, encourage, and support others because I know who I am in Christ and am secure in that place.
Posture, perspective, and place make a lot of sense to me as I start this week humbled and in desperate need of God’s grace.
I invite you to listen the music and lyrics of “TOUCH THE SKY” as you begin this #MindfulMonday recognizing who you are and who God is.
I hope you found today’s post a mindful way to start your week with faith and purpose.
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