When we say we want to know the truth, what are we really asking for? We need to learn how to define biblical truth and what it can do for us.
“Please pray that God would reveal all truth.”
This is how a dear friend who is going through a hard time responded when I asked her how I could specifically pray for her.
Her response surprised and shocked me. She answered very simply and straightforwardly, without any drama or pretense.
It took me awhile to absorb this. She did not ask me to pray for guidance, support, relief, resolution, or a way out of her current trial. I know she wants those things as well, but her answer revealed so much about her and her relationship with God.
It made me think about what might be behind that kind of answer.
For the past few weeks I have been wrestling with these questions:
- Why is truth so important?
- Why is truth something we should pray for despite our circumstances?
- Why is it sometimes hard to accept the truth?
I think the foundation of her beliefs rests on two key principles:
Principles I believe as well. But it is one thing to say you believe something and quite another to live like you believe it.
Did she really understand what she was asking?
The truth can also hurt. It can be uncomfortable, it can require change, and it can be brutal.
I am not sure that I always want to pray that kind of prayer!
If you look for truth, you may find comfort in the end; if you look for comfort you will not get either comfort or truth, only soft soap and wishful thinking to begin, and in the end, despair.”
C.S. Lewis, A Mind Awake: An Anthology of C.S. Lewis
When speaking of revealing truth, Jesus tells his followers this:
For all that is secret will eventually brought into the open, and everything that is concealed will be brought to light and be made known to all.”
Luke 8:17 (NLT)
Maybe this is comforting to hear when you want the truth to be revealed about someone or something else, but what about when it comes to your heart, your secret thoughts, and your struggles and demons?
God’s truth shines a light on everything, so when we start praying for Him to “reveal all truth,” we have to know that we will not escape the blinding light either. We cannot hide in some dark corner hoping not to be exposed.
Our postmodern world tells us that truth is relative. I have heard many people say, “Your truth is your truth and my truth is my truth.” They would argue that there is no such thing as absolute truth and no real way of ever finding it. They are absolutely certain of this. Interesting.
I know my friend does not hold that belief and neither do I. Jesus claims He is the truth:
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
John 14:6 (ESV)
To me, those are powerfully comforting words. To others, they may be harsh and exclusive.
So I have been praying that prayer for my friend and praying it for myself, my family, and for situations in which I need wisdom and guidance. I have been mindful in seeking out the truth wherever and whenever I can find it.
I have searched the Bible for verses on truth, and God has taught me so much. I found myself in the Gospel of John quite often because the concept of truth is discussed frequently.
(As a side note: If you have not read much of the Bible or have not read it in a long time and want a great place to start, I highly recommend beginning with the book of John!)
In praying for “God to reveal all truth,” I have learned 3 powerful things about BIBLICAL TRUTH:
“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth…”
John 16:13 (ESV)
I now know in deeper way why my friend asked me to pray this way for her. She is in a tough situation. She needs to know what to do and how to act. She is broken and hurting, but she knows that only God’s truth will help guide and teach her. When we are confused, lost, or hurt, it is so easy to react based on our emotions and feelings, but so often they can deceive us. Knowing the truth, as revealed by God’s Holy Spirit and the Bible, allows us to respond accordingly.
“But whoever does what is true comes to the light, it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out by God.”
John 3:21 (ESV)
Have you ever been misunderstood or misjudged? Have you ever just wanted to shout and plead your case to anyone who will hear? Sometimes we need God to reveal truth to people who cannot see it. The Bible gives us the assurance that if what we are doing is right and true, God will make it known (we do not have to!). He will shine the light on what we do and affirm that we are doing it by His strength and grace. It is always right to look for and stand up for truth even when others do not understand.
“And you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
John 8:32 (ESV)
This is the most sublime outcome of truth: pure freedom. By accepting Jesus, who is THE TRUTH, we are free from our past, free from the penalty of sin, and free from any lie that wants to hold us captive. God desires that we know and embrace this kind of truth.
So as you start this week, I want to ponder this question.
I know that handling the truth is the only way I am going to make it through this life. I need the truth as my source, my guide, and my foundation.
I am so thankful that my friend taught me this simple prayer: “God, please reveal your truth.”
Go out this week and be a truth-seeker, truth-revealer, and truth-teller…and gain guidance, revelation, and freedom!
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Thanks, Carla! This was what I needed to read this morning! Lori
Another reminder of what we should pursue daily. Thanks again for your insightful post.]
Thanks, Lori! I will be praying for you today. Always good to hear from you!
Hi Carla,
I am enjoying both mindful Mondays and thoughtful Thursdays. I like how I always feel like you balance truth and love when I am reading what you write. You direct us to scripture (truth) to show us what God is teaching you but you are also humble (loving) enough to admit that it is often difficult to live out this teaching. I also like how you give us real life circumstances, whether personal or through a friend that encourages us and help us to relate and understand.
I am still pondering your earlier “pondering” post. It is going to be the topic of conversation when I meet a friend later this morning. Hoping to discuss how to navigate the fine line between becoming complaining partners/accountability partners as we encourage each other.
Thanks and please keep writing and sharing:)
So thanful for you, Patty! Thanks so much for your sharing your insights. It is encouraging to hear from fellow travelers who are working through these issues of faith and life with love, grace, and truth. You inspire me to keep on keeping on!