Have you ever asked God to give you a sign? It is a bold thing to do, but I believe most of us have all done it before. Sometimes out of desperation, frustration, confusion, or even isolation. A physical, tangible, visible sign is sometimes what we need to confirm that God is speaking to us.
- Does God see me?
- Does He hear me?
- Does He know what is happening to me?
- Does He care about my situation?
- Does He love me?
I do not know quite where I picked up this idea (somewhere in my long-ago Sunday School days, I suppose), but I always thought it was wrong to ask God for a sign. Mind you, it didn’t often stop me from doing it (especially when I was younger), but I kept it to myself.
I guess I thought it showed disrespect to ask God to prove himself to me. I thought it might be viewed as testing God. I also believed it revealed that I had weak faith or a lack of trust.
Anyway, some significant things have happened in the past two years that have caused me to rethink this whole “asking God for a sign” thing. One comes from the Bible and one from personal experience.
Not too long ago, my pastor gave a sermon on Moses. Although I read this account in Exodus 33 several times before, this time I saw it with new eyes. Moses is talking to God about leading the Israelites to the Promised Land. He is weary, frustrated, confused, and fearful.
God is angry with the people for their disobedience and refuses to go with them. Moses has already pleaded for God to spare the people whom He has already threatened to wipe out, but he wants more.
He wants God’s presence. He wants to see God. He wants to know that God will go with them.
12 One day Moses said to the Lord, “You have been telling me, ‘Take these people up to the Promised Land.’ But you haven’t told me whom you will send with me. You have told me, ‘I know you by name, and I look favorably on you.’ 13 If it is true that you look favorably on me, let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully and continue to enjoy your favor. And remember that this nation is your very own people.”
14 The Lord replied, “I will personally go with you, Moses, and I will give you rest—everything will be fine for you.”
15 Then Moses said, “If you don’t personally go with us, don’t make us leave this place. 16 How will anyone know that you look favorably on me—on me and on your people—if you don’t go with us? For your presence among us sets your people and me apart from all other people on the earth.”
17 The Lord replied to Moses, “I will indeed do what you have asked, for I look favorably on you, and I know you by name.”
18 Moses responded, “Then show me your glorious presence.”
Exodus 33:12-18 (NLT)
This is a big ask. A huge ask. A very bold ask.
He has no idea what he is asking, but he does it anyway! We cannot miss God’s response as we read further in the chapter:
19 The Lord replied, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will call out my name, Yahweh, before you. For I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose. 20 But you may not look directly at my face, for no one may see me and live.” 21 The Lord continued, “Look, stand near me on this rock. 22 As my glorious presence passes by, I will hide you in the crevice of the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will remove my hand and let you see me from behind. But my face will not be seen.”
Exodus 33:19-23 (NLT)
God said yes…with conditions. But He did answer Moses’ request for a sign.
Amazing, incredible, unbelievable. But why?
Why did God do this for Moses?
I have continuously tried to answer this question as I have also contemplated asking God for a sign. This is where this becomes deeply personal to me.
I hesitate to use the word “spiritual warfare” because it can be so distorted and misconstrued; however, I do believe it exists. For the past few years, I have been in a battle, and the only way I can describe it is in spiritual terms. Meaning, I believe that when we get close to God, try to listen to HIs voice, and follow His will, Satan does not like it. And he will use other people, circumstances, and anything else to attack us. The best book I can recommend to you on this subject is The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. It is a fascinating fictional account of what is going on behind the scenes to distract, discourage, and defeat us when we try to follow God.
- Where are you? Are you even there?
- Do you know? Do you see? Do you hear?
- Why is this happening to me?
- Are you going to do anything to rescue me?
Bend down, O Lord, and hear my prayer;
Psalm 86:1-17 (NLT)
answer me, for I need your help.
2 Protect me, for I am devoted to you.
Save me, for I serve you and trust you.
You are my God.
3 Be merciful to me, O Lord,
for I am calling on you constantly.
4 Give me happiness, O Lord,
for I give myself to you.
5 O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive,
so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.
6 Listen closely to my prayer, O Lord;
hear my urgent cry.
7 I will call to you whenever I’m in trouble,
and you will answer me.
8 No pagan god is like you, O Lord.
None can do what you do!
9 All the nations you made
will come and bow before you, Lord;
they will praise your holy name.
10 For you are great and perform wonderful deeds.
You alone are God.
11 Teach me your ways, O Lord,
that I may live according to your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
so that I may honor you.
12 With all my heart I will praise you, O Lord my God.
I will give glory to your name forever,
13 for your love for me is very great.
You have rescued me from the depths of death.[a]
14 O God, insolent people rise up against me;
a violent gang is trying to kill me.
You mean nothing to them.
15 But you, O Lord,
are a God of compassion and mercy,
slow to get angry
and filled with unfailing love and faithfulness.
16 Look down and have mercy on me.
Give your strength to your servant;
save me, the son of your servant.
17 Send me a sign of your favor.
Then those who hate me will be put to shame,
for you, O Lord, help and comfort me.
The last verse has become a daily prayer for me:
Show me a sign of your favor.
But I still wonder
- Am I asking for the right thing?
- Does God hear this prayer?
- Will He answer me like he did Moses and David?
In reviewing these passages again this week (and hearing another sermon referencing Moses asking God for a sign!), I now believe that God does want us to Him and boldly ask for signs. We should not be ashamed or afraid to go to our heavenly Father and pour out our hearts. But, as I learned from both Moses and David, we need to make sure our hearts, minds, and souls are in the right place first.
When we go to God, humbly and honestly, requesting a sign of His presence, His favor, His love, or His protection, we must consider 3 things:
In looking at both Moses and David’s words, we can see their hearts and their motives. Why did they go to God and ask for a sign? What were they seeking?
Moses desperately wanted the presence of the LORD to go with him and the people. He knew that he could not make it or do what God had called him to do without God literally walking beside him every step of the way. He was not asking for power or strength or success…but for more of God. David pours out his heart to God, praising Him for His love, faithfulness, and mercy. David tells God there is none like Him and that all he wants is to follow, honor, and give God glory. David’s motives are also God-focused and not self-focused.
So what about our motives when we go to God asking for a sign? Is it about Him or about us? Do we want a sign to draw closer to God and follow His will, or do we want a sign to have God put His stamp of approval on our self-made plans? Our motives when we seek God’s intervention should be to see more of God and allow Him to show us who He is. If we are coming with self-serving motives, we may not get the answer we seek.
Moses and David, called by God specifically, wanted to follow and obey God’s plan. They knew the mission God had given them and were seeking signs to help them do what God wanted them to do. Moses says, “let me know your ways so I may understand you more fully,” and David cries out, “Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may live according to your truth! Grant me purity of heart, so that I may honor you.” What they both are expressing is acknowledgment of who they are and who God is. They know their mission is to bring God glory and have their lives point to Him. Moses and David sought “signs” to help them understand fully and follow God closely.
What is our mission when we come to God, begging for a sign? Have we decided we want a promotion, a new relationship, or more time and money? Are we looking for God to smile down on us so that our lives will be stress, trouble, and worry-free? Does getting a sign from God include recognition, success, or praise for ourselves? If so, I do not believe God is in the business of giving out those kinds of signs! God invites us to join His mission to bring love, hope, and peace to a world full of hate, fear, and strife. He has called us to be His hands and feet, which may include suffering and pain. He never promised the journey would be easy, but He does promise (like He did with Moses and David) that He will never leave us nor forsake us. If we are looking for a sign to know if we are doing God’s will, we can be assured God will let us know and lead the way.
I know this sounds crazy, but have you ever prayed something so silly and insignificant as, “Lord, if you give me a parking space, I know you are with me today.” The kids are unexpectedly compliant, the item you have wanted to purchase goes on sale, your boss gives you a day off, or it doesn’t rain on the day of your big party…we can all “interpret” these as signs from God, right? 😉 And I am sure we all have. Maybe they are…perhaps they aren’t.
But in my experience, prayer does not work like a slot machine. We cannot just drop in our token requests, pull the lever, and hope we hit the jackpot.
When we come to God asking for a sign, it is okay to be bold and confident. I think the Bible shows us that both Moses and David approached God in that way. However, their boldness and confidence did not come from themselves, but rather from the God whom they were asking. Moses acknowledges God as the only reason for the Israelites being set apart. It was not what they did, how they prayed, or the fact that Moses was their chosen leader. It was God and God alone. Likewise, David tells God, “You are my God…none can do what you do…you alone are God.”
The manner (the attitude we have, the posture we take) in which we come to God, seeking His face, asking Him to show us a sign, is so very essential. We cannot demand or pout, stomping our feet or throwing a temper tantrum when God does not reveal Himself in the way that we want.
We cannot presume to make deals with God:
If you show me ________, then I will do _________.
Again, this is the God of the universe, not some genie in a bottle. We need to approach God with the reverence and respect He deserves.
I know I have been praying for God to give me signs in a few areas of my life as I begin the new year. Maybe you need that kind of clarity and reassurance as you begin this week…this month…this year.
Can I encourage you to boldly (yet humbly!) ask God for a sign by checking your heart for the right motives, seeking God’s will for the right mission, and requesting in the right manner?
So thankful to have fellow travelers on this journey of faith and life! You give me the inspiration and accountability I need. Please consider joining me by signing up to become an email subscriber. I would love to give you access to my FAITH RESOURCE library!
I like your straight forward approach. I went through some tough times and the Lord was always there. I could never ask for a sign because I was taught it was wrong to ask for one, but I think you are right. If we don’t ask the Lord to show us which way to go, how will we know?
I just discovered Blogs by Christian Women and my blog was accepted. I hope to find women who need to network and make friends with other blogglers and authors.
I am taking Jeff Goins class on blogging. He said to ask if there is anything that you need help with. Please let me know if there is.
Thanks for taking the time to reach out, Ginger. I am still in the process of asking God for a sign…and maybe that is why I have taken some time off blogging. I am glad you found BCW. I have guest posted for them as well. It is a great way to connect with fellow bloggers and authors! I am going to take the time to visit your site. Count on me to pray for you and your ministry. If you also pray for me, I would appreciate it!
This is an interesting and encouraging post Clara but It is doubtful if signs are appropiate when taking into consideration that when Moses and David asked for signs , it was in the old testament when the holy spirit had not yet been given. Gideon asked for signs a lot to get God’s commitment, assurance and answers to requests .However, under the new testament, the holy spirit is there to take the place is signs which is more reliable than signs . His functions are unnumerous. Thanks once again Clara as we rob minds together because iron sharpeneth iron
You make some great observations. It is true that we no longer need as many tangible signs because of the Holy Spirit, but I do believe God confirms things to us through His Word and through other believers.
Wow this is a very great comment Clara. You just said and mentioned how God has been communcaring with me in in recent times. When God speaks, he always has a witness. What he has told me, about my life, career, marriage among others, he had been confirming what he said to be through other believers and his word. I have enjoyed this ministry in recent times. God does not leaves us in darkness. As you can see, the confirmation of what he told me through his word and other believers whom I didn’t tell them anything about what God told me in very very assuring abd much more reliable than signs. I honestly believe signs can be very very deceptive and it was the old pattern “old testament” of seeking God’s face. Hebrews 11:1-2 confirms that God speaks to us through his prophets in the olden days “old testament pattern” but he speaks to us in these final days through his son. So instead of using signs he speaks to us directly. Thanks a lot Clara as I await your testimony of your final healing
Amen! I am glad you are hearing from God and receiving confirmation through His Word and fellow believers. He is faithful to answer us when we seek His face and His will!
God gives his followers signs all the time.
I have been given manner.
Often at times when I am going through a lot I will be given one.
Sometimes I have asked but more often God has given them out of love.
They haven’t been ones to help me make a decent more to just let me know He is real and to calm doubts.
They are most definitely biblical.
So what I am getting from this is if I want to have a relationship and ask God to show me a sign that marriage is for me it would be wrong because it is for personal motives? I am very introverted yet I have a desire to get married pushing 30 now and always get ghosted by guys and never get a second date. Recently no guys have been approaching me. I am legit trapped with this desire and I believe what I need to start doing is pray for him to remove my need for marriage because I don’t have the social skills to go looking for myself. Rather than have this all consuming need for companionship
Thanks for reaching out, Jane. I appreciate your honest questions. I believe that since God designed marriage and knows that it is a good thing for many of us, it is not selfish for you to pray about finding the right person and entering into a lifelong commitment. I am so sorry that your experience with men has been disappointing. The Bible tells us that we should seek God first and find our fulfillment in Him. No person or relationship is meant to fill the void in our heart that only God can fill. One of my favorite verses is Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.” So my prayer for you is that as you seek to deepen your relationship with God, he will lead you to the right person or so fulfill you with his love and care that you no longer feel trapped by this consuming desire.
I totally understand how you feel though.
Hey Carla- i just wanna make a quick comment about askin- lots of folks throw out the golden fleece argument when saying it’s ok to ask God for a sign, but God had already told Gideon what he was to do- Gideon asked for the sign of confirmation for the sake of strengthening the faith of his people- He wanted them to know they were on God’s mission and would not fail- He wasn’t asking for an answer- He already had his answer- . I think maybe, possibly, a point to be learned from Gideon was that we should ask for signs for the sake of bolstering our faith, and the faith of those around us, when it is low perhaps? For His Honor and Glory, and so we can be effective witnesses for Him- I think God knows we are an easily discouraged people, easily defeated- and I would think that, like any good parent would, He would like us to be encouraged and to learn that He is our provider and takes care of us- and one way I think He does that is to help us in our weakness by revealing His presence in our lives. We can’t be very good witnesses for God if we’re constantly doubtful, constantly beaten down and defeated, not understanding what’s going on in our lives, or whether we are even truly saved or not- When God is silent, it causes to us to even doubt we are His children- We don’t realize that God takes care of us in many unseen ways- and sometimes we need to experience Him taking care of us in seen ways- in order that our faith may be strengthened- and the world may see that God walks with us- like David prayed- (‘Show the world You walk with me so that they may be ashamed that they doubted’ is basically what he prayed). I’m struggling too- God has been seemingly silent for decades, not answering prayer at least that i can see- in ways that I know are direct answers to my prayers- I have grown weary- wondering ‘Does God even hear me? Am I unsaved? Is that why He doesn’t hear? Or am i just not ‘spiritual enough’ for Him to hear me? (There is a verse that says that if we regard iniquity in our heart, He will not hear us).
I’m kinda confused, on the one hand I would think God would want to encourage us, yet on the other, He has been silent in my life for decades it seems- and frankly, it’s causing me to even doubt my salvation- on the one hand I think God is allowing it- allowing Satan to sift me by working on my faith, trying to get me to doubt God- but on the other hand, and perhaps Satan is succeeding, I question whether I am saved because it seems as though God doesn’t hear my prayers- God allowed Satan to plant the seeds of doubt in Adam and Eve’s mind- and they failed God- then God came back on the scene- Is that what’s happening in my life? I don’t know- I just know that He is very silent- and I struggle with the thought that perhaps I wasn’t ‘sincere enough’ when i got saved- I want to think that it’;s just Satan planting the seeds of doubt, and if so I’ll carry on, but the big ‘what if’ comes along- Ugggh!
I ran across your blog because I’m struggling with answers right now- I feel guilty asking Him for a sign (and not just a sign that ‘could be natural in nature’, I need to know it’s directly from Him, and not just something that happened ‘coincidentally’) to confirm my salvation, or strengthen my faith- I feel as though it’s a case of ‘testing God’, but I’m exhausted, both physically and spiritually- Trying to hang on- but as the years of unanswered prayer go on and on, it gets very hard to-
As a follow-up to my last comment- you wrote in another blog post “God does not waste anything he allows into our lives…including the wilderness.”- and this is what has me confused about God’s silence, is His silence just a ‘wilderness experience’? Or is His silence a result of me being unsaved? or of me ‘harboring iniquity in my heart so that God won’t hear’? You said “What does God say he will do? He promises to do a new thing. He offers to make a way in the wilderness. He says he will provide streams in the wasteland.” Um, I’m not finding any streams- (Which is why i initially started asking for a sign- to quench the soul’s desire for confirmation for the purpose of Spiritual encouragement I guess you could say)
As i was writing my previous comment, the following account kept running through my mind, the reason being that I myself feel totally exhausted spiritually- :3-5 When Elijah saw how things were, he ran for dear life to Beersheba, far in the south of Judah. He left his young servant there and then went on into the desert another day’s journey. He came to a lone broom bush and collapsed in its shade, wanting in the worst way to be done with it all—to just die: “Enough of this, God! Take my life—I’m ready to join my ancestors in the grave!” Exhausted, he fell asleep under the lone broom bush…………………
6 He looked around and, to his surprise, right by his head were a loaf of bread baked on some coals and a jug of water. He ate the meal and went back to sleep.
7 The angel of God came back, shook him awake again, and said, “Get up and eat some more—you’ve got a long journey ahead of you.”
8-9 He got up, ate and drank his fill, and set out. Nourished by that meal, he walked forty days and nights,
There’s no bread and water- just silence- suffocating silence-
“DON’T WHINE, WATCH INSTEAD” …………….. I’m trying to watch-
“And while God seemed to accept some of Elijah’s venting, he also asked him to take the focus off of himself and look to see what God was doing.”……………………….. I’m not seeing His works- Am I just looking in the wrong places? I’m seeing people fall away From God- seeing the nation fall away- Seeing the Evil One winning battle after battle after battle- even though I know he loses the war- it just seems that evil is gaining strength- I keep waiting for pendulum to swing back the other way- it hasn’t seemed to happen for a good long time now-
I’m trying- just very very hard right now-
“But God is particular in letting Elijah know what has been going on behind the scenes.”…………………………. That would be nice- and encouraging- but for whatever reason God isn’t letting me in on what He’s doing in the background during this wilderness experience-
“Can we watch for God to do a new thing, wait on him to provide streams in the wasteland, and walk toward him as he makes a way in the wilderness”
I hope so- it’s getting very hard though-
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and seek God and His voice. I can so relate and understand your doubts, struggle, and questioning. Just because we are saved does not mean that we don’t experience all of these things. The lives of some of the most godly and wise men and women were characterized by discouragement and despair. Just take a look at David in the Psalms. In many of them he pours out his anguish and despair and often questions GOd’s presence. However, most of his lamentations conclude with him looking up, remembering God’s faithfulness, and claiming God’s promises. I think we often make things way more complicated than they need to be. We don’t always get miraculous signs and clear and specific direction, but if we take the time stop and ponder the little things, God reveals himself in still, small ways. At least that has been my experience. I am praying for you right now and will continue to pray that as you earnestly seek God, he will make himself known to you in a very real way. Keep the faith, claim his promises by reading your Bible daily, and never stop searching for him. He is faithful!
That was a very nice read!
My beautiful, wonderful 26 year old daughter is missing. I asked God to help her as she’s a vulnerable addict. We’re hoping she’s in a rehab place, she stayed sober for so long she just recently relapsed. I’ve never asked God for a miracle before, ever. I have been praying day and night for a miracle, a sign..anything. Last night especially hard for me, I begged him for a sign. I had private messaged a sober living gentleman with whom I PM’d 4 months ago about looking for my daughter but he didn’t answer. Then this morning, after pleading with God for a sign, leading to a miracle; the gentleman PM’d me and told me.. Yes, he would definitely look for her with his team! I am over joyed!!! I’m so very, very grateful for gods love. 💞
Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Erin! What a beautiful story of God’s faithfulness. I am praying and believing with you for a miracle for your daughter! That God would use this gentleman to help rescue her and that you would be reunited soon. God is able and loves you and your daughter so very much!
Was looking for some takes regarding this topic and I found your article quite informative. It has given me a fresh perspective on the topic tackled. Thanks!
Please see also my blog,
Four Signs You are Being Called By God
Hope this will help, Thank you!
Thanks, Mark! I am thankful that you found this post informative. I will definitely check out your blog too!
I respect everything that you have written in this blog. Please continue to provide wisdom to more people like me.
Thank you, Marianna! I am encouraged that this post spoke to you!
I agree with every factor that you have pointed out. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts on this.
Thank you, Marianna! I pray that you continue to seek God!
Awesome blog, i did pen down the main Points of 3M’s (motive,mission,manner).
Im in 3 yr relationship with unbeliever (who doesn’t think of Any God ,even in Hardtimes).
I did share Gospel in our initial days, and i kept sharing few Good news that happen in our everyday lives… he says Good, God works for u. ((Biggest hit in his life was,His parents didnt accept to do further study in other country, He tried and finally gave up his career )) This made him lonely soul, accepting everything whatver comes on way good worst bad…(his mom passed away after nerves breakdown of 8 yrs)..He hasnt experienced MOM’s love, God’s Love ,family Love, Joyful life.
I was more open person &my fmly as well.. I did TRY to shown him many ways to see Love..
Mistake i did was, I was busy in building for a 1.5 yr relationship, WITHOUT HEEDING TO DAILY GOD’S GUIDANCE..on and off kinda
From last yr covid next 1.5yr , i started again to pray,
I hve a deep desire, to lead him into God’s love.
I believe that day he would just burst out when he experiences Gods Overwhelming Love and presence around Him
2 months back, after fasting and prayers for 2 months, i finally proposed him, He says, in their Indian Hindu family its hard to accept a Christian, its gonna be big fight, They didnt let him win for his career itself, in marriage its impossible..he preferences are invisible.
If i also give up on this relationship, its Over.
Understood God IS MUST for a relation to seed, sprout, blossom and flourish .. rest all secondary. With GOD its more Honoring HIm and more satisfaction to us.
I was asking God for miracle, for their salvation and Liberation from God of lies ,Empty lies of their hindu belief system every Mountain be Uprooted from their Hearts ,eyes and Mind Blinded by world, and Let HIS light shine out of the darkness..
After 10 days of proposing he stopped responding..He sees, he doesn’t repsond/reply.Even i dont want to make him uncomfortable with msgs,..so i send hi, msgs 10/15 days once..
As No response to calls msgs mails from him for a month, Theres a slow question inside me, Should i STOP praying and move on or PAUSE and pray earnestly.
I decided to pause and pray..
If its Gods will , he will surely determine my steps..to move forward..I was praying for His and His fathers salvation..Whenever i think of them, my Heart moves deeply for His Aged father especially, i never met him, i’ve only seen his face over social media , i cant explain..unknowingly i started praying for 2 of his own sisters whom i never met and Recently for his whole Town..
If we Love , their salvation matters to us..
If we’re Loving others, our heart stirs up to seek for ways for their Salvation..
I dont know, where im going, But i believe God is with me.Im not afraid of anything , anyone to loose.
MY Purpose of this earth is To finish HIS purpose through HIM, With HIM, for HIS GLORY.
I died too myself on the cross.
Father, Now My heart is Yours , My life is Yours.
Suddenly sometimes, i feel like Seeking Sign makes heart at ease… Biggest Give away for me in THIS BLOG is, 1.Ask Boldly yet Humbly 2. Ask more of God 1st (rather power, strength ,success)
Pls keep them in ur prayers…also( my brothr & mom believe and pray for Jesus bt not ready for baptism ).
THANK you, Blessings and favour of Lord be with you always..
I am so thankful that this post spoke to you. I have found that the safest place for any of us to be is in the will of God. Keep surrendering to God’s plan for your life. He rewards those who earnestly seek after Him!
Praying for you!
I agree with every factor that you have pointed out. Thank you for sharing your beautiful thoughts on this.
And thank YOU for your kind and encouraging words! I am grateful that this post spoke to you. God bless!
I think signs are still in alignment with God’s will. So many Biblical people asked for signs and I would also argue to that the Holy Spirit was interacting with men in Old Testament days too. We see that Jonathan asked for a sign in fighting the Philistines. In 1st Samuel 14 He said “Come, let us go over to the garrison of these uncircumcised. It may be that the Lord will work for us, for nothing can hinder the Lord from saving by many or by few.” Then Jonathan said, “Behold, we will cross over to the men, and we will show ourselves to them. 9 If they say to us, ‘Wait until we come to you,’ then we will stand still in our place, and we will not go up to them. 10 But if they say, ‘Come up to us,’ then we will go up, for the Lord has given them into our hand. And this shall be the sign to us.”
And as you pointed out Abrahams servant Eliezer asked for a very specific sign in his charge of finding a wife for Isaac.
I think it’s a humble spirit that ask God for a sign, especially when they are seeking to do His will. Plus, have you ever stopped to think it may be the Holy Spirit that provides the answer to the sign?
I started praying about a youth ministry for handicapped and terminally ill children about 13 years ago. As years went by I let that dream, that deep desire fade as God had not answered my prayer. Then about 2 and 1/2 years ago I read an article about God resurrecting dreams and I felt God was speaking directly to me about my ministry…my dream.
In September 2020 I found the perfect property and I have prayed about it every day since then that God would provide the provision to make the dream a reality. I said God if this is not Your will then please let someone place a contract on the property. Well 10 months have gone by and the property is still there. I have some time constraints coming up for this year and on June 18th my wife and I prayed and we asked God “are we on the right path with this ministry? Lord if this is not Your will then please allow someone to place a contract on this property by the end of June. On June 23rd I received an email from the Realtor saying the owner was taking the property off the market and would either keep it or break it up into smaller parcels. I want to point out that this property is ideal for the ministry we want to do. In nearly 3 years I have not found a better suited place.
We were a bit discouraged and we immediately prayed about it. A week ago we had received an email from a Pastor in which he said “sometimes it’s easy to look at the lack of results to our prayer and conclude this is not working…maybe this isn’t meant to be…” and then he said “it’s always too early to quit on your dream. And he mentioned the old widow who persisted and never gave up.
So like David did when his family was taken I “strengthened myself in the Lord” and asked Him what do I do Father? Do I quit or am I at the point where I am to look just beyond this trial to God’s intervention. I was reminded that Hannah asked God “year after year” for a child. It seemed if God was going to give her a child He would have done so by now , and yet she persisted. Had she given up Samuel might never have been born.
So I asked God for a sign. I said “Lord if we are to let this dream go….if this ministry is not Your will for our life then please have the owner remove the listing. I will ask for more time, but God if this is not from You then please have the owner reject any idea of waiting and have him remove the property from the market.” The Realtor said this wealthy man was unpredictable and didn’t really listen to her council. In any event she spoke to the owner on June 24th and he agreed on the extension until July 2nd. I am overjoyed. She was very surprised too.
My entire point is I do not believe we are to stop asking God for specific signs to help make Godly decisions. We are seeking His wisdom and I don’t think a humble prayer for confirmation upsets a God that loves us more than we can imagine. It’s showing we are dependent on Him and that we seek His will.
I am now looking to see how God will bring this to pass. Just as He brought such prayer request from Abraham’s servant Eliezer, from Jonathan, and from David to pass. I know God is in control. I will wait to see what He will do.
Thanks for your article on this important topic of signs when You are seeking God’s wisdom and will in the matter. I think too many Pastors reject this idea, but I completely disagree.
What a story, Steven! Thank you for sharing the lessons God taught you as you sought Him for beginning this ministry. I will continue to pray that God gives you direction, wisdom, and clarity as you step out in faith to do what He has called you to do! Your story is such an encouragement to me and will bless many others.
I am 54 and have been born again for 42 of those years. I have been praying for a sign that God is actually involved in my life. Just silence. I ask this because 42+ years of unanswered prayers (actual answer),not Yes, not No, not Wait, just silence. I ask this because 42+ years of the only experience with God being complete silence and absence. I pray for God to actually be involved in my life, in a manner that I can comprehend. I pray for God to supply the ability and resources to help homeless people get off the street and glorify God in the process. I pray for the resources to help my family. I pray for a way out of this life long poverty so that I can have a proper full Christian life. Too poor for church. I pray for God to reveal my specific purpose, why I am here. Just silence. I ask because I need a boost to my faith, trust, and hope in God. After 42 years levels are low. Thanks
God bless you, in Jesus holy name, Amen.
I am so sorry that you feel God has been silent in your life. Many strong people of faith have had similar experiences…and I have too. But I would direct you back to the promises found in God’s Word because it is there that God speaks to us and reveals who He is. It is His love letter to us full of all things He has done, is doing, and will do for all of us who believe. God continues to speak through His Word and rewards those who diligently seek Him. I will continue to pray that you feel His presence and sense His leading in your life.
Hello Carla,
It’s been a couple of years since I last posted here. Sorry about the lateness of this reply. In your reply you wrote that God speaks through His word (the Bible). I’ve read the Bible repeatedly over the decades and have never heard or experienced anything from doing so. The Bible is an inanimate object, thus incapable of speaking. Nothing pops out at me. Just words on paper. Thus turning to the Bible is useless. Unless you consider reading about all the promises that God doesn’t keep as useful. I need to see, hear, and feel God’s presence in my life. This nothing from God is heartbreaking, soul crushing torture. It’s obvious that God doesn’t care about the torture that He inflicts in this way. Why? Because He remains silent and absent. I don’t know if I am wrong in asking God/Jesus for this confirmation. I just know it is what I need and want. Yes, a need and a want can be the same thing. God’s silence and absence are a stumbling block that I can’t get past. I have asked God for help in this area but like everything else, He ignores and neglects me. So close to giving up on God all together. At this point I don’t know what keeps me clinging to God and Jesus. It sure isn’t their (God/Jesus) actions, as they do nothing.
God bless you through the Holy Spirit, in Jesus holy name, Amen.
Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and insight on asking God for a sign. I really appreciate you taking the time to do do.
I am uplifted and greatly inspired.
Thank you so much again.
Kache ❤️
Thank you for your kind words, Kache! I am so grateful that this post encouraged you. Blessings to you on your faith journey!
This article was a blessing to me.
I am thankful that You wrote it.
Thank you for your kind words, Irena. I am glad it blessed you!