Has your Thanksgiving celebration changed due to the pandemic? Are you unable to see family and friends? Have you had to cancel travel plans? Are you feeling disappointed, lonely, and ungrateful? How can we still embrace Thanksgiving during the Covid Crisis and maintain an attitude of gratitude?
I always try to be honest and transparent with my readers, and this post is no exception! I have wrestled with writing about Thanksgiving and being grateful because I just haven’t been feeling it lately…can anyone else relate? This has been one tough year, and it seems as if the hits keep on coming. There have been so many changes, losses, disruptions, and adjustments. We either have a choice to accept those things and find gratitude in them…or not.
(True confession: I have been on the not side this past week!)
You may have started 2020 a lot like I did: full of expectant hope and promise. I even declared it the year of clarity and asked God to give me bold faith “for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). Little did I know what was coming and how the world would turn completely upside down within two months.
But I tried to roll with the changes, work within the restrictions, and look for the silver linings. I am sure you did too!
And despite the peaks and valleys, detours and setbacks, good days and bad, I was doing okay…until I wasn’t.
A big part of the struggle includes letting go of what Thanksgiving always was and what we believe it should be.
We can adapt to new ways of doing things such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and even limiting our interactions, but when outside forces start messing with time-honored traditions such as holidays…uh-oh. That is when things get real, right?
And that is where I know a need a change in perspective and attitude. Because although I cannot control the circumstances (none of us can!), I can control how I respond to them
I have the choice to whine and complain or to accept this new reality and focus on the things for which I can be grateful.
Because I knew I needed a little more than a nudge to embrace Thanksgiving, I had to spend some time reading, studying, praying, and journaling. I came up with a list of ways to make the holiday meaningful and memorable despite the different circumstances.
And because I am a list maker and a lover of acronyms, I compiled all that I learned using the word GRATEFUL. Below you will find scripture verses, prayers, quotations, and creative ideas to embrace this season of gratitude.
I believe this is a crucial place to start if you are struggling with embracing gratitude this year. It would help if you began by giving yourself and others grace. What does this look like? It means acknowledging your feelings of loss and disappointment and then releasing them to God. It is also granting grace to others by respecting their particular situation (especially if it is different from yours!) and meeting them where they are.
Pray diligently. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open in gratitude…Make the most of every opportunity. Be gracious in your speech. The goal is to bring out the best in others in a conversation, not put them down, not cut them out.”
Colossians 4:2, 6 (The Message)
Oh my…this is huge for me! I have a picture in my mind of what my Thanksgiving celebration should look like and giving that up is so hard. Unmet and unfulfilled expectations not only breed resentment, they can lead to discontentment and discouragement. I think the words of the Serenity Prayer are helpful in letting go of what we cannot control:
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
We have to be humble enough to reach out and ask for help with embracing the changes to Thanksgiving this year. Maybe making your usual feast is not going to happen, so why not order takeout and support a local business? If family members and friends cannot join you, ask them to set up a Zoom call so that you can connect. And it is perfectly okay to cry out to God for help too. We do not serve a remote and distant God who cannot relate to our struggles or is removed from our pain.
So then, since we have a great High Priest who has entered heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to what we believe. This High Priest of ours understands our weaknesses, for he faced all of the same testings we do, yet he did not sin. So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it the most.
Hebrews 4:14-16 (NLT)
If there was ever a year to try something new, crazy, and a little off the wall, this is it? After doing a simple google search, I came up with a list of some of my favorites:
- Watch the Macy’s Day Parade, National Dog Show, or binge-watch a Netflix series.
- Build a Thanksgiving playlist and have a dance party.
- Create a scavenger hunt with the turkey’s wishbone and other related items (pumpkin, leaves, acorns, small rock or stick, etc.) that you can hide outside (or inside if the weather doesn’t cooperate) to get everyone up and moving.
- Dress up even if you are not going anywhere, or ask everyone to wear a hat and explain its significance (this works on Zoom too!).
- Get out those board games or jigsaw puzzles!
- Mix-up the menu by going completely outside of the box (surf-n-turf, sushi, or lasagna) or include one mystery menu item that will get everyone talking!
Seriously!?!? Don’t the pagans chase after such things? Every good and perfect blessing comes from our heavenly Father and is to be appreciated and enjoyed…including good food and drink!
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.
James 1: 17 (NIV)
So I recommend having fun, because there is nothing better for people in this world than to eat, drink, and enjoy life.
Ecclesiastes 8: 15 (NLT)
And to that, I will only add AMEN & AMEN!
One of the best ways to move beyond our lack of gratitude is to reach out to others who may have had to sacrifice more than we have. Do you know someone who has recently lost a loved one? What about a neighbor who may not be able to leave her house? Is there a family who has to quarantine during the holidays? Think about people within your sphere of influence who could use practical help (like delivering groceries for a Thanksgiving meal), emotional support (a phone call, card, flowers), or your physical presence ( a walk outside or a visit on their patio/porch) and serve them during this Thanksgiving. It will go a long way in helping you focus on what you do have instead of what you don’t.
Speaking words of gratitude or writing them down is a meaningful and tangible way to embrace Thanksgiving. When we do gather around the table, one of my family’s Thanksgiving traditions, is to give everyone a chance to speak their gratitude out loud. Even if you cannot meet in person, you can still do this. Here are some great prompts to help get the conversation started.
- Name five gifts from God that you can see from where you are sitting right now.
- What has God changed in your life for which you are thankful?
- What “little things” are you thankful for today?
- Think of someone who has an attitude of gratitude and tell about him or her.
- Describe a friend who has influenced your life for good for whom you are grateful.
- Being grateful is not always easy. What makes it so difficult at times?
- Why do you think God tells us to be thankful in all things?
We have all heard that “laughter is the best medicine,” and I believe that this is more true amid a pandemic than ever. Share your most embarrassing moment of the past few months, watch videos of your favorite comedians, make a list of corny jokes and read them to annoy your kids. Laughter heals the soul by allowing us to make the best of any situation.
Trouble knocked at the door but, hearing laughter, hurried away.
Ben Franklin
If you can laugh in the face of adversity, you’re bullet-proof.
Ricky Gervais
To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it.
Charlie Chaplin
This post came from knowing I needed to change my perspective and develop an attitude of gratitude despite the circumstances this year. I created this acronym to help me remember the ways I can be grateful and embrace Thanksgiving, no matter what it may look like. If you can use it during your Thanksgiving celebration, please click on the image below to download and print a copy.
It get it, dear friend, I really do. Thanksgiving is going to look a lot different for many of us this year…and that just stinks. It really does. But God has given us so much to be grateful for, so let’s commit to thanking him for what we DO have instead of focusing on what we DON’T.
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If this post spoke to you in any way, would you mind leaving a comment, sharing it on social media, or even letting a friend know? It would be encouraging to hear from others who are also struggling to embrace gratitude this Thanksgiving.
Oh Carla! This was so perfect! I too am struggling now that our family plans have totally fallen apart for Thanksgiving (due to COVID). I was having a wonderful pity party for myself last night. But praise the Lord, His mercies truly are new each morning. AND to have your blog post this morning is just what I needed. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings to you and your family.
I am so glad that this post spoke to you, Abbey! I had my pity party too, but then God got a hold of me and reminded me of all my many blessings. It is so hard to let go and readjust, but I am thankful for His mercies that are new every morning. Sending you prayers for a blessed Thanksgiving…no matter what it looks like!
Thank you, Carla, for reminding me that oftentimes challenges bring opportunities to find better ways of doing things. You’ve compiled a great list of suggestions! Much love to you and your family this Thanksgiving.
Thank you, friend! Many blessings to you and your family for a wonderful Thanksgiving…even if it looks a little different this year!
Wonderfully done♥️And much needed
Thank you, friend! I hope it encourages you and your family this Thanksgiving…grateful for you!
Love, love, love every word of this post! Great ideas, amazing timing, perfect scripture (that is quite clearly speaking to me right now) and oh so practical. Just what I needed at the right time. There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for … always! Thank you for your ministry and for your encouragement through your writing. May your ‘different’ Thanksgiving be filled with joy and lots of gratitude! Love that family well!! Love you friend! XOXO
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you on Thanksgiving day!!!! 🎉🎈🎂❤️
Thank you! 💞
Thank you, dear friend! You know this post comes from a place of me asking God to give me a new attitude of gratitude! I hope it encourages you to have a blessed Thanksgiving no matter what it looks like this year. Grateful for you!
Thank you for your vulnerability and honesty. This is such a difficult time, and yet, there is still so much to be grateful for. Your post reminded me of many of the Psalms. They start with the cry of despair, and then recognise and praise God for His comfort and sovereignty in every circumstance. I pray you have a blessed Thanksgiving, even if it isn’t the one you wanted or planned.
Thank you, Christine! I agree…David models how to move from discouragement to thanksgiving in the Psalms. Such a great place for us to go when we are disappointed. Praying you have a blessed Thanksgiving too! God is good!
Carla, What a tremendously helpful article. The article itself and all your resources are a blessing to so many. Thank you!
Thank you so much, Pam! I am glad that it encouraged you. Many blessings to you and yours for a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Carla, great post! I love your acronym and will read it on thanksgiving to my family. So many great points…have a great holiday however it plays out!
It makes me smile to know that others appreciate my corny acronyms!😉 I hope it blesses you and your family. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
It seems you’ve read all our minds, Carla! Thank you for sharing your heart so we know we are not alone. I especially love the suggestion to release expectations. Thanksgiving is usually our family’s blowout holiday where we rent a place that can accommodate our huge extended family. With rare exceptions, we’ve not seen any of our extended family this year! Instead, we have an intimate dinner with only four of us, a week before Thanksgiving day. You gave words to what was needed. Thank you!
I am so sorry to hear this, Diana! Our travel plans got canceled, and I threw myself a pretty big pity party over it! So, I was definitely preaching to myself about releasing expectations. I am slowly learning to be grateful for what I DO have instead of focusing on what I DON’T. Praying that you have a blessed Thanksgiving…no matter what it looks like this year!
There are so many ways to celebrate thanksgiving this year and I love how you made an acronym for the word THANKFUL. LOVE IT!
Thank you, Sacha! I pray that blesses and encourages you. Happy Thanksgiving!
I love how you broke down G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L; Its so educative and inspiring. More grace.
Happy Thanksgiving
Thank you! Sending you many blessings for a grace-filled Thanksgiving! God is faithful.
Love this post! I really enjoyed the acronym and all the great advice on how to enjoy this Thanksgiving even if it looks a little different. Loved your honesty and your challenge to us to keep being grateful even in this!
Thank you, Collene! I hope your Thanksgiving was grace-filled and blessed!
I love how you broke down the word ‘GRATEFUL’. It is so easy to understand and makes the reading quite enjoyable. It is a common saying in my country over here in Nigeria, we always say ‘In all things, we thank God for life’, and with that everyone is smiling and filled with hope.
Happy Thanksgiving,
We always have things to thank God for
Thank you for your kind words! I love the saying from your country. It is good to take the time to thank God for his many blessings. He is faithful!
Thank you for this timely post….. As an in-person educator, the dashed expectations are mingled with a little fear this year, for my students as well as fellow teachers that may be hit by a post Thanksgiving surge. Yet… God. I love how all of your acronyms point to him, rather than a great to-do list for Candice to perform. Asking for help is the most difficult of these on the list, yet this season has been one I’ve been forced to cry out for help, but to Jesus and my loved ones. I’m glad I read your post! Thanks for being used by him.
Oh, Candice, I feel for you! I can relate to some of the same anxiety…BUT GOD. Amen and amen! I think it is a brave thing to admit when we need help. Praying that God meets you in this place and provides you the strength and grace you need.
Well done Carla. I am just reading this today so I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration this year. Ours was smaller but still a blessing. Thanks for sharing
Thank you! Yes, Thanksgiving was different this year…but still a blessing! There is always, always something for which we can be grateful!
This is so timely! What really stood out is the props for gratefulness. I so need that! I guess we all do. Ha? Thanks for writing this!
Thanks, Teri! I know I definitely need to be reminded to be grateful, but God is so good and gracious and accepts what we bring to Him. Hope it encouraged you!
Wow, this is such an inspiration how we can move our focus from all the negativity, change our perspective and be GRATEFUL! There is so much we can still do despite all the restrictions and changes and inconveniences this season. On Thanksgiving 2020, there is still a lot we can give thanks for!
I am so thankful that this post encouraged you, Ester! I agree that when we focus on gratitude we can find so much for which we can be grateful!
Thanksgiving was difficult for us this year, too. I missed having my parents and other family come and visit. But over the years due to my husband’s shift-work schedule, I’ve had much practice in “rolling with it.” Even still, I sure miss seeing my parents. But I am still so grateful they are safe and well! Thank you for this post helping us focus our thoughts on the positive, the blessings of our God!
I totally understand, Teresa! I really appreciate your positive attitude and perspective. If we take the time to seek God, we can always find something for which to be grateful.
Oh how I wish I would have read this a few days ago! So good and such a good attitude shift for all of us!
I still hope you had a blessed and grace-filled Thanksgiving, Kari! Ours was definitely different, but we still found so many reasons to be grateful!
Such useful and practical steps. Thank you so much for this timely post, Carla.
Thank you, Evangeline! I am so glad that it encouraged you.
I love the GRATEFUL acronym! And that Ben Franklin quote is perfect!
So glad that someone else appreciates my acronyms! I love the Franklin quote too!
Hi, Carla! This is such a wonderful post! Thank you so much for sharing! I love all the suggestions you listed! God bless you always!
Thank you for your kind words and encouragement, Sheryl! Many blessings to you.
Carla, I absolutely LOVE this sweet friend! I love all the tips and Bible Verses. We had a good Thanksgiving, different but we decided to look for the good and we found it.
Thank you for the kind words, Donna! It is so encouraging to hear that you had a great Thanksgiving. God is good…all the time!