While detecting the signs of seasonal changes in the physical world is easy and obvious for us, knowing when we need to change something in our personal lives can be a little more difficult to assess. Learn the five signs that God may be preparing you for a new season.
Most of us living in North America are eagerly anticipating the arrival of spring. Amen? And although it takes its good sweet time to arrive here in northeast Ohio, my senses are on high alert, looking for any sign to tell me it is on its way! I look out my office window and see the sun’s rays making dappled shadows through the trees, hear the birds singing sweet songs, smell the grass coming back to life, feel the gentle breeze blow softly through the small crack in my window, and touch the early buds holding the promise of new life.
Nature seems to know when and how to change effortlessly, beautifully, timely.
But what about the changing seasons of our lives?
- How do you know if you need to change?
- What are the signs?
- And, more importantly, how do you handle change?
It reminds me of the lines from the Fleetwood Mac song, “Landslide”:
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin’ ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?“
Newness, change, and transition can either stimulate and energize us or worry and discourage us. We can choose to embrace change or run away from it, but either way, change is inevitable. The song goes on…
Well, I’ve been afraid of changin’
‘Cause I’ve built my life around you.”
New seasons come in every sphere of our lives: family, career, relationships, community, mental and/or physical health, or church. We can experience seasonal changes on many different levels: physically, emotionally, relationally, financially, mentally, and spiritually.
Almost all of us have experienced significant changes in the last few years due to the global pandemic. Collectively the impact has been enormous, touching our cities, communities, churches, schools, and workplaces. We have had to adjust everything from where we go to who we see to how we work and how we carry out daily living.
But within this context, we have had individual variations, disruptions, and transitions.
Hopefully, we are all moving toward a metaphorical spring where new life will burst forth as we regain some sense of normalcy…a new season is dawning for all of us!
Think about your life right now and try to identify signs of seasonal changes in your life (don’t be surprised if there is more than one!).
- Times of transition can uncover worry, stress, and fear. Are you anxious or excited about resuming some of your routine activities? How do you feel about being reunited with friends, family, and/or co-workers from whom you have been separated? Do you wonder how you will adjust to this “new normal”?
- Have there been recent changes in your relationships? Maybe a friend is moving away, someone new is coming into your life, or you are dealing with the loss of a loved one.
- Are you facing adjustments as a parent? As children grow and transition, parents must adjust too. Is your family welcoming a new child, or is one leaving the nest? Maybe you are considering adoption or becoming a foster parent.
- Changes also can happen in jobs and careers. Are you sensing a season of growth, a relocation, or a move in a completely new direction? What kind of impact of changing where and how you work has had on you?
- Are you experiencing differences in your physical or mental health? You might be recovering from an illness, trying a new way of eating/exercising, or dealing with a recent diagnosis.
Our spiritual lives, marriages, and friendships also experience seasonal changes.
“The only constant in life is change.” This piece of wisdom from an ancient philosopher, Heraclitus, who lived thousands of years ago, is just as timely and relevant for us living in the 21st century.
Although many of us may have felt stuck in a dormant and lifeless season this past year, many things were still happening in the depths of the deep, dark soil.
Sometimes when you’re in a dark place, you think you’ve been BURIED, but actually, you have been PLANTED.
Author Unknown
There are two things you can know for sure about new seasons in life:
- New seasons inevitably bring change.
- Change is necessary for growth.
We often resist the truth that life is seasonal, don’t we? While we are in one season, we cannot help but wish, hope, and pray that we are in another. And when the new season arrives, we longingly remember days past.
The most important thing we can understand to help us survive and thrive in new seasons of our lives is that we are not in control. Let me say that again...there are many aspects of change that are out of our control. Time, for example. We cannot reverse it, revisit the past, or reveal the future.
He changes the times and the seasons…”
Daniel 2:21 (ESV)
This does not mean that we cannot or should not plan and prepare for changes in our lives, but our perspective should be realistic and humble. Giving up control to God permits us to be present during each phase of our lives and avoid worrying about the changes ahead. It also enables us to trust God with both the good and bad aspects that each season can bring, knowing no season lasts forever and that he has a purpose and plan for everything.
Giving up control is an act of bravery that allows us to push past surviving to thriving during difficult transitions. It takes more courage to weather a season of drought, loss, or barrenness than it does to go harvesting where we have not planted. Like many of you, I feel that I need to see something good come out of dry, desert seasons.
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”
Galatians 6:9 (ESV)
We will often plant in one season but not reap until another season.
- Waiting for a job to turn into a meaningful career.
- Waiting for a relationship to blossom and grow.
- Waiting for a child to take ownership and responsibility.
It is so easy to lose faith and hope during the season of planting as you stare at dirt fields waiting to see signs of life. You may find yourself in a season where the seeds you have been sowing do not appear to be producing an immediate crop. Do not give up or lose heart; there is no regular timetable for the harvest of life. Some crops you reap quickly; others take a long time.
Once we give God control and take courage in what we can do during each new season in life, the result is contentment. We can thrive amidst significant life changes that may be sudden, unexpected, and life-altering because we have peace that God will take care of us no matter what happens.
It allows us to rely fully on God’s promise in Ecclesiastes 3:11:
Yet God has made everything beautiful in its own time.”
Contentment changes our perspective. It is not putting a fake smile on your face and pretending everything is picture-perfect when it is not. It is, however, acknowledging that even through seasons of doubt, pain, anxiety, and loneliness, we can choose to trust God instead of our circumstances.
Just like our five senses tell us that spring is right around the corner, we can also use them to gauge whether we are approaching a time of transition or change in our lives. Look for these signs that God may be giving you to signal the approach of a new season.
Are you looking at people, places, and things with new eyes? Is God showing you things that you may not have seen before? Pay attention! Resist the urge to put on the rose-colored glasses and allow yourself to see the world as it really is, and you will discover what may need to change. If God is opening your eyes, look closely.
Are you able to verbalize and name your emotions? Do you have a sense of restlessness and longing? Do things move you differently? Do not minimize or ignore how the spirit of God may be opening you up to feel and experience new things. If this is happening often, you may be ready for a change.
What is your inner voice telling you? What do you hear others saying? Does it seem like you are hearing things for the very first time? Is God speaking to you through the Bible, a song, or the words of others? Quiet your soul and listen. You may miss crucial directions for change if you do not practice active listening.
Are you upset by things that never used to bother you before? Do some things in your life “stink” in a way that you can no longer ignore them? Is the smell of fear, doubt, and failure so overwhelming that you are ready to remove it from your life? Do not try to cover up the smell with an artificial air freshener. Take out the trash of your past that may be holding you back from making necessary changes.
Are your routines and relationships becoming bland and unappetizing? Have you lost your appetite for taking risks, dreaming dreams, or exploring new horizons? Do you want some zest in your life? Don’t settle for the status quo and stagnate where you are. Ask God for faith to taste and try new things.
New seasons are a part of life for everyone. Whether the arrival of a different season brings you excitement or anxiety, you can detect the signs by opening your eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to what God may be showing you. I hope you find this guide, 5 SIGNS GOD IS PREPARING YOU FOR A NEW SEASON, a helpful resource as you learn to embrace change and growth.
For more practical resources on how to grow spiritually as you encounter new seasons, please check out my FREE FAITH PRINTABLES page to find other guides on prayer, soul care, and spiritual breakthroughs.
At the Crossroads is a community where you can meet others for hope and encouragement on your faith journey, and I would love to have you as a fellow traveler! Sign up by filling out the form below, and you will receive weekly blog posts, monthly newsletters, and access to over ten printables in my Faith Resource Library.
Hi Carla,
Good evening. I searched the Internet for “New Seasons” and the Lord led me to your post. It is enriched with godly wisdom.
Thank you for sharing.
God bless
So glad you found me and this post! I am thankful that it encouraged you!
I’m not sure if God is leading me to a new season but somethings sound different… Things I used bear with I do not anymore.
I would lean into this, Shawn, and pray and ask God to guide you. If things are feeling different, the Holy Spirit may be speaking to you.
I am definitely in a new season. And working hard to listen to what He has for me in it
I am right there with you, dear friend! Although it is hard to be still and wait on the Lord, we know He will use this time to grow and strengthen us. Praying for you!
Hi Carla. I am transitioning into a new season in my life right now and I would like to thank you for sharing the wonderful words of encouragement with us.
Prayers as you transition into a new season! I am grateful that you have some words of encouragement here.
Hi Carla,
I search for seasons by Internet and when I saw your website I visited indeed its a great blessing to me,may God bless you.
Please,how can I get your books.
Thank you! I am so encouraged that something I wrote is helping you on your faith journey. You can download some of my free faith printables, visit my SHOP page for my devotionals, or visit Amazon to purchase my latest book. Many blessings to you!
I really enjoyed this book of season. Thank you so much I have known my time of my season now.
So thankful that this post spoke to you! May God bless, guide, and keep you as you embrace the season you are in!
I received a message from a friend saying she had a dream and within that dream she heard a message for me that I’ve been locked in a season far too long. Its time to move into a new season. The message is so right, and looking for season I cam across your page. Reading your 5 signs God is preparing for a new season really connected with me, allowed me reflect on what God is saying through the message and slowed me down to realised God is saying that change of a new season is coming and I should step it into. I’ve been fearing the uncertainty of a new season but He saying its ok don’t fear, He is preparing a new season and it time to step into. Thank you for your message. God bless you.
Thanks for sharing, Jennifer! I pray that you continue to trust God as He leads you into this new season. I will be praying for you!
I’ve been overwhelmed with feelings that God is thrusting me into a season to mentor my family about Jesus. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at 12. I’ve not been consistent with going to church, but I’ve absolutely known Jesus has been by my side, especially through some horrific life situations. I recently purchased a bible study guide. I’m listening to Bible podcasts like crazy. This past week I’m hearing things in everyday life that absolutely aren’t sitting well with me. Next thing I know words spew from my mouth giving advice or redirecting the conversation to a biblical standpoint. I can recite scripture yet, but things I say even surprise me. Like, Holy smokes did I say that. With all this said I’m so emotional this week!! My best way to express this would be packing up a home you’ve lived in your entire life to move into a new one. You’re emotional, but know it’s the right thing. I’ve never experienced this kind of emotion in my 53 years on Earth. I’m praying hard for clarity. I absolutely believe the Lord is moving me to not just a new season but a new life. Can you relate? I’m a pretty sane person, lol, I don’t think I’m losing my mind. Thank you for you time. ❤️ Kristin
Thanks so much for reaching out, Kristin! To answer your question – YES!!! I think many of us can relate to having our lives illuminated by Jesus and the Bible and then seeing God’s truth everywhere. I would encourage you to keep seeking Christ…He will show up and meet you where you are. Many blessings as you continue to walk this journey by faith!