Picture yourself standing at the crossroads trying to choose which path to take. How do you decide where to go? What will lead you toward connection?
I want to start by thanking all of you for the positive feedback I have received regarding this blog series on CONNECTION. I have been so encouraged by your thoughtful questions, insightful comments, and authentic interaction.
I feel like we are really CONNECTING–not only here but also on Instagram and Facebook (so check me out on those social media sites if you haven’t already!)–and I hope you feel the same.
Three weeks ago, we began by exploring WHY WE FEEL SO DISCONNECTED IN CONNECTED WORLD. Although disconnection can make us feel detached, lonely, and anxious, it also reminds us that we are created for connection. God designed us to know him and others and be known. And so we learned last week WHY WE NEED TO START WITH GOD IF WE ARE SEEKING AUTHENTIC CONNECTION.
The crossroads is such a useful image and metaphor for us as we search for the path of CONNECTION.
Though a literal definition of crossroads is “an intersection of two or more roads,” it is more often used in a figurative way to describe a point at which a crucial decision must be made.
Once we connect with God at the place of connection, how then do we take the next step and follow the right road?
How do we choose a path with:
- Purpose?
- Meaning?
- Intentionality?
- Mindfulness?
- Passion?
Various internet sources estimate that an adult makes about 35,000 remotely conscious decisions each day.
Some are inconsequential and have repercussions we hardly notice like:
- What should I wear?
- What should I eat?
- Should go out or stay in?
Others are somewhere in the middle so we can feel the results on a deeper level:
- What should I do in my free time?
- Should I spend or save?
- How do I start a new friendship?
Then there are the major life decisions that will alter the course of our lives:
- Who should I marry?
- Should I have children?
- What will I believe?
Often the crossroads appear to us on the horizon. We can see them coming ahead, so we take time to stop and consider our choices. We ask God and others for guidance. We try to choose mindfully and purposefully.
Other times, crossroads seem to appear out of nowhere. We come upon them suddenly due to a life event, the actions of someone else, or our poor planning. In these instances, God may use trials, people, or our circumstances to get us to the point of making a decision.
If you are feeling disconnected in any area of your life today: with God, your spouse, a family member or friend, your job, or your passion and purpose, you are at a crossroads whether you realize it and or not. And the path you choose will lead you to either CONNECTION or DISCONNECTION.
I believe many of us live our lives unaware of why we make the decisions we do or why we choose the paths we take. We let life happen to us instead of being intentional, mindful, and purposeful about making life happen. Several years ago I identified this as an issue in my life and began a lifelong quest to find the path of CONNECTION and then to walk it by faith.
Easier said than done, right? How do we do choose and walk that path?
When we stand at the crossroads, sometimes there are two choices to decide between, and other times, there are multiple options, further confusing the decision-making process!
Some intersections present us with a definite and unequivocal choice: right vs. wrong/good vs. bad.
Other times, the crossroads can provide us several different paths to an equally good, but different outcomes. That is when we need to get on our knees, pray, and ask God to lead us by faith.
If we trust in God’s leading, this is what he promises:
Trust in the LORD with all of your heart;
do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek his will in all you do,
And he will show you which path to take.”
Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)
Maybe you were hoping for more specific directions, a step by step guide, or even flashing signposts. I confess I want those things too!
But walking the path of CONNECTION does not work like that. Instead of being given a road map that shows each obstacle, peak, valley, rest stop, and detour, God gives us the next step. Just enough information to make the next right choice on the journey.
It is about starting down the right road, and every day, at every turn,
It is the definition of walking by faith, not by sight, and it is the only way we can find the path of CONNECTION.
I do not know how many times I have given that advice to myself and to people who are struggling with choosing a path. The Bible affirms this:
Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.”
Proverbs 4:25-26 (NLT)
God has a unique and specific path for each one of us.
A place where we can connect with him, with our purpose, and with others.
I think this is what God is gently whispering in our ears as we search for that path of CONNECTION…the right route for our souls:
Take the next step.
Walk the course I have mapped out for you.
Keep your eyes fixed and focused on me.
Do not worry about what is ahead or what is behind.
I have set your pace.
I am ordering your steps.
We can trust God as we walk the path he has set for us, doing what he has called us to do. And as we do this faithfully and consistently, we find ourselves walking the path of CONNECTION.
I know this is a lot to absorb, but consider these questions throughout the week as you seek to find the right path for your soul:
- Are you on God’s path or your own?
- Are you willing to trust God even though you may not be able to see what is up ahead?
- How are you going to get moving? What is the next right step you need to take today?
I am so thankful that so many of you are walking alongside me on the PATH OF CONNECTION. If you are still struggling to find that place and path, please contact me. I would love to pray for and encourage you on your journey!
If you are encouraged by this post and want to continue to learn how to connect with God and others, please consider becoming an email subscriber. You will receive all the posts in this CONNECTION blog series, free faith resources, and opportunities to meet and collaborate.
Love this, Carla. It’s a great reminder to connect deeply & authentically.
I also had no idea I made that many decisions every day. Wow!
Thank you, Laura! Yes, that statistic surprised me too! Even though some of those decisions may seem inconsequential (like what do I wear?), some can alter the direction of our lives! God challenges me every day to choose the right path…the one that leads to connecting with Him and others.
So often I jump headfirst into something before even contemplating God’s desires for me. Ugh! Can’t wait to hear more about this and how you seek God’s will for your life.