Do you view taking time to rest, renew, and recharge yourself physically as crucial to your spiritual health? Or are you someone who believes that the soul is more important than the body? Read on to learn what can happen when we refuse to rest before we stand and fight any spiritual battle.
Welcome to Mindful Monday and our third post of the JUST STAND series. If you are stuck at a crossroads in your life wondering how and when you will get back on your feet, you are in the right place!
It is difficult for anyone to “just stand” during a turbulent storm or after a devastating collapse, but that is precisely what God calls us to do.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.”
Ephesians 6:10-13 (NIV)
Last week we learned that the first step to getting back on our feet is to acknowledge our position. Doing this requires opening our eyes and getting real about being SEATED & DEFEATED.
For some of us, the bright light of truth allowed us to see our brokenness and weakness (vulnerability is a good thing!), but it also put us in a position to meet God.
This Mindful Monday, we will learn what can happen when we fail to rest physically before we try to stand spiritually.
When most of us think of standing and fighting battles (as referenced in Ephesians 6:10-13), we see it only in spiritual terms. And we are partially correct. Prayer, meditation, Bible reading, solitude, and worship are effective and necessary tools in fighting the enemies of our souls.
However, God has also taught me that when we are stuck at a crossroads, feeling defeated, depleted, and discouraged, there is a crucial first step we must take to POSITION OURSELVES TO STAND AGAIN. And it is profound in its simplicity:
But wait, you may be saying, how does taking care of my body do anything for my broken and bruised soul?
Standing is both a physical posture and a spiritual position. To allow your soul to heal completely you must address your physical, mental, and emotional state.
The life of Elijah, the Old Testament prophet, gives us an insightful illustration of what can happen when we refuse to rest before we stand and fight.
In 1 Kings 18, Elijah had confronted the worshippers of Baal on Mount Carmel. God showed up in a huge way (through fire), and Elijah had a mountain-top experience both literally and figuratively. In many ways, Elijah walked away from Mount Carmel a hero.
But things take a dramatic turn in 1 Kings 19. Here is a point by point summary of verses 1-9 with the help of The Message Bible translation:
- When Ahab tells Jezebel about Elijah killing all of her prophets, she vows revenge.
- She sends a message to Elijah: “The gods will get you for this and I’ll get even with you! By this time tomorrow you’ll be as dead as any one of those prophets.”
- So Elijah “the hero” becomes Elijah “the zero” and takes off into the wilderness, leaving even his servant behind.
- He sits down under a tree and tells the Lord that he’s had enough: “Take my life!” he screams to God.
- Exhausted, he falls asleep, but an angel wakes him up and tells him to eat. Elijah finds bread and some water next to him, and he eats and drinks before he falls asleep again.
- The angel comes to wake him a second time, and tells him, “You’d better eat some more–you have got a long journey ahead of you.”
- Elijah wakes up and eats some more. He then heads off to Horeb, the mountain of God.
- Nourished by the food the angel had given him, he doesn’t eat anything for forty days and forty nights during his journey.
- Finally, he arrives at Horeb. He finds a cave and sleeps.
Many of us can relate to Elijah on several levels. We understand exhilarating “highs” are often followed by severe “lows” of doubt, discouragement, and depression. Emotional stress, physical fatigue, body chemistry, and even poor eating habits can contribute to these kind of crashes. It is all part of being human.
But how does Elijah get to this seated and defeated position? And, more importantly, what does God do when he gets there?
In reviewing this story (and I highly recommend you go back to your Bible and reread it), we need to notice what God does not do when Elijah reaches the lowest, deepest, darkest point in his life.
- God does not call him out for being faithless and fearful.
- God does not remind him of the victory he just experienced on Mount Carmel.
- God does not shame him for being scared and running away.
- God does not ask him to pray, sacrifice, or worship.
- God does not even reprimand him when he wants to give up and die.
God is pretty silent when it comes to words at this point in the story.
Instead, God does something for Elijah.
In his mercy, compassion, and kindness, God steps in, using an angel, and provides what Elijah’s body needs: food, water, and rest.
God tells Elijah to eat, drink, and sleep.
God created Elijah and knew both the limitations and capabilities of his physical body. Although God had further plans for him, he knew Elijah was in no condition to listen or take his instruction. Elijah first needed physical strength through nourishment to stand again and move forward on his journey. God went to Elijah where he was (seated and defeated in the middle of a desert) and met his physical needs first.
We are designed and created in the same way. We cannot expect to hear from God, make sense of your collapse, or even attempt to stand again if we do not stop first and care for our physical needs.
Don’t you find this to be true in your own experience? How many of us are thoughtful and mindful after a sleepless night? How many of us can face a difficult day with hope when our muscles ache from stress? How many of us feel like praying and reading our Bibles when our mind is cluttered with discouraging thoughts?
Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is get enough rest and replenishment.
The spirit needs to be fed, and the body needs feeding also. Do not forget these matters; it may seem to some people that I ought not to mention such small things as food and rest, but these may be the very first elements in really helping a poor depressed servant of God.”
Charles Spurgeon
Can you relate to Elijah as you begin this Mindful Monday? Have you come to a place of defeat, discouragement, and doubt because you are physically depleted, emotionally drained, and mentally exhausted?
Stop. Breathe. Eat. Drink. Rest.
If you want more resources on how to rest, look for my BEST FOR REST RESOURCE GUIDE that offers practical tips, scripture verses, book recommendations, and more! All of my email subscribers will receive this free download by the end of the week!
Don’t risk trying to stand and fight without resting first. That is is not God’s plan for you!
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Carla, you are such an inspiration. Your words are not based on “theory”, they are based on your own experience which makes them
believeable and meaningful to me and to others who read them. God bless you today, and thank you for serving Him and bringing
us His truth in your own unique and comforting way.
Thank you for these kind words, Ellen! They are such an encouragement to me. If sharing my journey brings anyone hope and encouragement, to God be the glory!
So many people bypass taking care of their physical bodies, though doing so is vital to everything else! Thank you for your wisdom, Carla.
Thank you for your words of encouragement, friend! I hope you are making time to REST during this super busy season of your life! 😉